
Showing posts from April, 2022

Advantages of Hair transplant

  The hair transplantation is a surgical technique where the individual hair follicles are removed from the back of the scalp that is called the donor site to a balding part or a bald on the scalp which is called the recipient site. This is the treatment that is mostly used to treat the male pattern baldness. This is a hair restoration procedure that is performed on those men and women who have a hair loss problem. Men mostly tend to loose hair due to genetic disorder and hormone DHT. In the male pattern baldness, the visibility of the scalp increases and the hairline gradually recedes exposing the bald areas. There is also a chance that the men experience a gradual thinning of the hair at the crown region or at the very top of the skull. For the women, mostly the hair loss is due to hormonal changes. The hair of women mostly thin out from the entire head. Transplantation can also be done in case there is a hair loss due to some injury, burns or some diseases. This is why you s...

Do you believe that having bald hair is a source of embarrassment? That is no longer the case!

  Because of their balding hair, the majority of people find it difficult to socialize. However, the technology world has come up with a solution for this problem! With SMP, you can now find a permanent solution to balding hair! What is the treatment for Scalp Micro pigmentation in its most basic form? Using Scalp Micro Pigmentation Training , you can get a larger and non-visible scalp in a realistic and non-surgical manner, with results visible from the first sitting itself. SMP for men and women is also a wonderful treatment choice when it comes to concealing the scars left behind by FUT, FUE, and other post-surgery procedures. Scalp Design aims to provide the greatest hair loss treatment alternative for those of you who do not have enough donor hair for a hair transplant scar cover up through our services, which we believe we have accomplished. Is the SMP a good choice for women? The majority of women have experienced frequent hair loss, which has caused them a grea...